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What is Dojo Toolkit?

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What is Dojo?

Dojo Toolkit (stylized as dōjō toolkit) is an open source modular JavaScript library (or more specifically JavaScript toolkit) designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites.

Dojo is the Open Source JavaScript Toolkit

Dojo is tool for constructing dynamic web user interfaces

Dojo offers widgets, utilities, higher IO (AJAX) abstraction etc.

Dojo Benefits

1)It helps in DOM scripting.
2)It helps in event management.
3)It shortens the time between idea and implementation by providing a well conceived API and set of tools for assisting and fixing the issues experienced in everyday web development
4)It provides an abstraction over the difficult JavaScript.
5)We can use arrays, object, classes , and many more inbuilt components as easily as we include a tag in the HTML pages.

Dojo components

– DOJO Tree
– DOJO filtering Select
– DOJO combo box
– DOJO Button
– DOJO Calendar control
– DOJO Grid

Video Tutorial for DOJO

posted Mar 19, 2015 by anonymous

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