Informatica provided us the capability to combine the multiple transform in a single one (in form of Mapplet ) and use them in Multiple Mapping
What is Informatica mapplet :
Informatica Mapplet is the reusable object which is created with set of transformation (combined by some Logic), so that can it can be reuse in multiple mappings directly.It is created in Mapplet Designer in Informatica designer
Component of Mapplet:
Mapplet input:
We can give data to mapplet from source definetion or any other transformation via Input port of Mapplet.
Mapplet output:
Mapplet provides the ouput port , from which we can pass data from mapplet to the remaining part of Informatica Mapping
Steps to Create Mapplet
Go to Tools->mappletdesigner->create->give a name
From transformation menu->create->mapplet input
In mapplet input transformation create required input ports
Create required group of transformation like sorter,expression
Drag the ports from mapplet input to the transformation
Create mapplet output transformation
finally save the mapplet in the repository
Some Properties of Mapplet:
Changing in Mapplet ,will affect all its related mapping where it is used, so its necessary to design it correctly before using it
Mapplets don’t have source/ target Definition .Data is transferred via input/output port only