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What does mean by TaskInstance in Hadoop?

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What does mean by TaskInstance in Hadoop?
posted Apr 8, 2015 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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+2 votes
public class MaxMinReducer extends Reducer {
int max_sum=0; 
int mean=0;
int count=0;
Text max_occured_key=new Text();
Text mean_key=new Text("Mean : ");
Text count_key=new Text("Count : ");
int min_sum=Integer.MAX_VALUE; 
Text min_occured_key=new Text();

 public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
       int sum = 0;           

       for (IntWritable value : values) {
             sum += value.get();

       if(sum < min_sum)
              min_sum= sum;

       if(sum > max_sum) {
           max_sum = sum;


 protected void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
       context.write(max_occured_key, new IntWritable(max_sum));   
       context.write(min_occured_key, new IntWritable(min_sum));   
       context.write(mean_key , new IntWritable(mean));   
       context.write(count_key , new IntWritable(count));   

Here I am writing minimum,maximum and mean of wordcount.

My input file :

high low medium high low high low large small medium

Actual output is :

high - 3------maximum

low - 3--------maximum

large - 1------minimum

small - 1------minimum

but i am not getting above output ...can anyone please help me?

+2 votes

I am currently playing around with Hadoop and have some problems when trying to filter in the Reducer.

I extended the WordCount v1.0 example from the 2.7 MapReduce Tutorial with some additional functionality
and added the possibility to filter by the specific value of each key - e.g. only output the key-value pairs where [[ value > threshold ]].

Filtering Code in Reducer

for (IntWritable val : values) {
  sum += val.get();
if ( sum > threshold ) {
  context.write(key, result);

For threshold smaller any value the above code works as expected and the output contains all key-value pairs. If I increase the threshold to 1 some pairs are missing in the output although the respective value would be larger than the threshold.

I tried to work out the error myself, but I could not get it to work as intended. I use the exact Tutorial setup with Oracle JDK 8 on a CentOS 7 machine.

As far as I understand the respective Iterable in the Reducer already contains all the observed values for a specific key. Why is it possible that I am missing some of these key-value pairs then? It only fails in very few cases. The input file is pretty large - 250 MB -

so I also tried to increase the memory for the mapping and reduction steps but it did not help ( tried a lot of different stuff without success )

Maybe someone already experienced similar problems / is more experienced than I am.
