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Repository of non-standard modules for python

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I am to start a new free-time project in the next couple of weeks. I am ready to use open accessible Python modules not wanting to reinvent the wheel :-)

Is there any repository where I can find Python modules not being part of the standard distribution? I have some hits by Google but that seems to be far from complete.

posted Jul 31, 2013 by Sheetal Chauhan

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1 Answer

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Check out the Python Package Index:

Lots of stuff there, not all of it actively developed.

answer Jul 31, 2013 by Deepak Dasgupta
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import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import time
import sys
import logging
import plaftform.cluster
from util import run

def main():
 """ ---MAIN--- """

if __name__ == '__main__':

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spwd sunaudiodev 
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