Could someone please tell me which entity in MongoDB manages cluster membership?(e.g., Redis uses a gossip-based protocol to do that).
In addition, could you please correct me if I am not right for the following drawbacks (in my opinion) in MongoDB:
Does anyone know how I remove orphaned documents in a cluster (sharding) in mongodb version 3.0.10, My actual data are 20 million orphans and documents the value amounts to 21 million data
Does anyone here can help me through the steps for using mongodb and hadoop connector, also if there are any use cases or success stories for the same, please do share?
How to connect MongoDB data which is stored in remote server(I have remote server details) locally?And Is there in Mongo UI to connect or only commands will help?If so please give some links to run commands.
We all know that mongoDB provide different type of indexing (ascending, descending, geo2D, geo2d sphere, or text), so which type of indexing considered more efficient for indexing boolean field?