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Rails: form.view.erb containing model related and non-model related fields?

+1 vote

I would like to have a form in which some of the fields are linked to model and some fields are not. When I use FORM_FOR tag it binds to a particular model and I cannot create form fields that aren't correspond to one of the column name of the table (Model). Hence what I think is I should use FORM_TAG instead of FORM_FOR so that it contains whatever the form fields it want but one thing I can't find by googling is how can I connect specific fields to a model leaving other fields free of model?

In other words, If I have 5 text_fields in a form how can I link only 3 text_fields to a model and leave other 2 fields free?

posted Jun 28, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Consider binding your form to an ActiveModel not an ActiveRecord class. In your ActiveModel, you can add in the extra fields that you don't want/have in your ActiveRecord class. Using ActiveModel will also let you follow the same idioms in ActiveRecord, such as validation.

answer Jun 28, 2015 by Sheetal Chauhan
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