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What starts /usr/bin/pulseaudio on a fedora machine?

0 votes

I looked in /lib/systemd and /etc/systemd, recursively, and none of the services or dependencies have the string pulseaudio in them.

posted Jul 7, 2015 by Naveena Garg

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FWIW, I tried the two following commands and got nothing from either of  them:

ps aux | grep pulse | grep -i grep
ps aux | grep audio | grep -i grep

Checking, Xfce starts it when I log in, which explains why my morning alarm clock doesn't sound off if my computer reboots and I haven't logged back in yet.

2 Answers

+1 vote

Your command should to be

ps aux | grep pulse | grep -v grep
not -i
answer Jul 7, 2015 by Arjuna
+1 vote

It depends on the desktop.

In KDE, kdeinit5 will call /bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 and if in /etc/pulse/client.conf autospawn is set to yes (default) then pulseaudio will be started with the parameters specified in that config file.

answer Jul 7, 2015 by Sanketi Garg
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