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Is it possible to have two different sessions of an application when application is opened from two different browsers?

0 votes
Is it possible to have two different sessions of an application when application is opened from two different browsers?
posted Jul 19, 2015 by anonymous

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I need to share data between sessions running in different Tomcat server.
I 'd been thinking about using a JMS broker (as ActiveMQ ):

  • when a new session is created in Tomcat A, it's created a new unique topic for this session
  • the session registers itself as listener of that topic ( the only one listener )
  • publish the name of this topic by some way , so it can be found by another session in Tomcat B

I don't know if somebody has used something like this sometime, and how he/she did it
Any suggestion/opinion ?

I'm not sure either use only one topic for all session created or one topic per session ?
I think that one topic per session is more safe because if I use one topic for all sessions, if one message is not read quickly by one consumer (a session ), could block the topic, Obviously , i'll define a TTL for messages/topic

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