After switching from svn/hg to git and getting some experience, I feel I'm ready to figure out which questions aren't too obvious. My feeling is the current question isn't.
Today I was hacking away, only to discover that I was really working on too much stuff at once. I wanted to stash away a sub-set of my changes, and leave the rest to focus on first. So I did a 'git stash --patch', selected the patches I wanted to move away for now. Only to discover that I stashed away 2 patches too many .... Bummer.
Alas: I kind of hoped I could do something like 'git stash apply --patch stash@{1}'...... but that didn't quite work: I just got the full stash applied on top of the working directory (to be verbose: this was done after stashing the remaining patches).
I hope my situation was explained clearly enough. My question is not about how to recover. That's easy by redoing the original stash command, but properly this time. My question is more about learning something more about git, in case I end up in the same, or a similar situation in the future:
* is there a way to force 'git stash --patch' to create a separate stash for each patch that I select? This would make it possible to apply each patch again afterwards, and would have been a perfect solution in my case as well
* otherwise, is there a way to achieve the result I had hoped for when running 'git stash apply --patch', namely to selectively apply hunks
In case the answer to both of these is 'No', what would be the proper way and/or place to suggest such a feature?