The process of issuance of summons:
i) Summons need not always be issued when a simple letter, politely worded, can also serve the purpose of securing documents relevant to the investigation. Further, it is emphasized that the use of summons be made only as a last resort when it is absolutely required.
ii) Summons by Superintendents should be issued after obtaining prior written permission from an officer not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner with the reasons for issuance of summons to be recorded in writing.
Due to operational reasons it is not possible to obtain written permission; oral/telephonic permission must be obtained and the same should be reduced to writing and intimated to the officer according such permission at the earliest opportunity.
iii) In all cases, where summons are issued, the officer issuing summons should submit a report and submit the same to the officer who has authorised the issue of summons.
iv) CEO, CFO, General Managers of a large company or a PSU should not be issued summons at the first instance and should be summoned only when there are indications of involvement in the decision making process which lead to loss of revenue.