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What is the name of Salman’s adopted sister?

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What is the name of Salman’s adopted sister?
posted Nov 3, 2017 by Deepak Jangid

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Arpita Khan
Once, Salim Khan, during his regular morning walks, noticed an ill beggar on the footpath seeking alms with her young daughter. Seeing the condition of the lady, and the subsequent state of the little girl, the kind-hearted Salim ji started getting food for the duo.

Then one day, when the acclaimed writer-lyricist was on his regular walk, he saw that the lady had passed away, and her little daughter was crying. Salim ji knew he couldn’t leave the girl alone on the cruel streets of Bombay to fend for herself. So, he held her hand gently, and brought her home.

Once there, he asked the little girl her name. She replied, with tears still in her eyes, “Arpita”. Salim ji introduced the girl to his family, who gladly welcomed her into their household. Soon, the process of adoption followed.

answer Nov 4, 2017 by Adarsh