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7 ways to keep yourself hydrated at Summer

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Water is the most important need in any human beings life. Human body is composed of upto 60% of water. As we sweat we loss some amount of water from our body. Water is the solvent that transports many essential molecules and other particles around the body. These include nutrients and waste products from the body's metabolic processes. Particles such as some ions and molecules need to be able to move around biological organisms.

Watermelon weighs in as a major contender. Based on its name, it’s no surprise this fruit is made up of 92 percent water! But its salt, calcium and magnesium is what makes it ideal for rehydration, according to a 2009 study at the University of Aberdeen Medical School. The summertime staple is also a good source of potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Celery stalks upto 95% of water ,high in vitamins ,minerals and fibers. Though celery leaves are not packed with nutrients , that’s mainly because they have very less calories in them.

Cucumber is the number one vegetable which contains of high amount of water in it . Its composed of  95% of water, they also have no no saturated fat or cholesterol, and are very high in vitamin K, vitamin B6 and iron.

Strawberries are a sweet treat and prefect for staying hydrated. They contain 2% of water contents and are loaded with fiber and vitamin C.

lettuce may be 96 percent water, but it’s not known for much else in the nutrition department. Richer salad greens and sandwich toppers including butterhead, romaine and spinach are more well-rounded choices and still up your hydration.

Sports drinks are beverages whose stated purpose is to help athletes replace water, electrolytes, and energy before and after training or competition, though their efficacy for that purpose has been questioned, particularly after exercise. For shorter workouts, sports drinks may just mean a lot of extra carbs you don’t need. 

Coconut water -- There’s a reason people go nuts for this tropical drink. Unlike sports beverages, coconut water is low in carbohydrates, while still rich in potassium. And its unsweetened varieties can be very hydrating 

posted May 16, 2017 by Kushal S

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Many of us encounter troubles when attempting to fall asleep on a nightly basis. Without a great nights sleep we could face various obstacles throughout the following day. There could be a number of different reasons why we are unable to fall asleep at night. 

Though it may be difficult to pin point exactly what is keeping you awake, here are a few possible reasons.

  • Messy bedroom
  • Naps throughout the day
  • Skipping breakfast
  • Dreading the wakeup

These are just a few of the possible reasons that you are lacking in the sleep department. With this being said, there are still various ways to fall asleep quicker at night even if you don’t fall under these categories. Five different ways to fall asleep quicker at night include:

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Upon visiting a doctor modern day due to your insomnia, he/she will likely recommend you try Progressive Muscle Relaxation, which is a muscle therapy that originated in the 1920s. This relaxation technique involves tightening and tense all the muscle groups that you can, and then relax them. By doing so repeatedly, we are able to promote physical relaxation, which will also provide beneficial results in our day to day activities. Progressive Muscle Relaxation provides you with:

  • Less tension within your muscles
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decrease levels of anxiety
  • Overall lower levels of fatigue

Through doing this exercise nightly, you are physically relaxing yourself, as well as calming your mind.

2. Mindless Activity

“Good Sleepers just go to bed. They don’t get worked up about it, and sleep happens” – Jack Edinger

The most common cause of insomnia is the idea of stress. Whether it is due to a hectic day or a stressful home environment, we need to keep our minds off these topics. Mindless Activities such as; counting sheep, chronologically retracing your day, or reenacting a dream you had the other night.

Doing a repetitive task can be tiring and sounds boring right? That’s the point! By going through these mindless tasks we are keeping our minds off the stress and boring ourselves to the point of exhaustion.Trycounting sheep jumping through a burning hula-hoop, or reenacting your favorite scene from Macbeth.

3. Don’t use your Mobile as an Alarm

We’ve all done it, most of it still doing it on a nightly basis. The truth is, using our mobile phones as an alarm clock is in fact depriving us from sleep. Most of us are keen to have our devices on us at all times, whether we are exchanging texts or sending and receiving emails. By keeping our mobile devices within reach at night, we are keeping our minds and muscles engaged. Due to the engagement right before bed, you will find yourself taking longer to fall asleep. Sleep is all about relaxation and while we all would like to remain involved, those messages throughout the night are subconsciously waking us up in an action known as “arousal”. This is the process of the mind awakening without the body and in most cases we are completely unaware of it the next day.

4. Practice Deeper / Relaxing Breathing

Hand in hand with Progressive Muscle Relaxation is Deep Breathing Relaxation. This is a relaxation technique that everyone is capable of, and can prove to be beneficial if used properly. By following the steps provided below, you will not only relax your body, but find it falling into synchrony.

Deep Breathing Relaxation can be accomplished by following these steps:

  • Lie in a comfortable position
  • Slow relax different in body parts in sequence
  • Begin inhaling through your nose
  • Hold your breath for 1 – 2 seconds
  • Relax and let the air out
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5
  • Continue as long as necessary

If you find yourself getting dizzy or nauseous, slow down or discontinue routine.

5. Listen to Soothing Sounds

Our bodies are more apt for sounds when we are conscious trying to fall asleep, rather then when we are dozed off. If your sleeping problem is due to excessive background noise, you may find peace by listening to soothing background music. There are various different sounds that you may ease in, including:

  • Embrace Nature: Thunderstorms, Forests, or Ocean Waves, any sound related to nature are less likely to annoy us because they fluctuate in amplitude.
  • Play Recreational MusicWhen all we can think about is the stresses that surround us, sometimes the best cure to fall asleep is our favorite tune.
  • Get Personal: Listening to someone provide specific instructions or a speech may provide us with boredom enough to fall asleep.

Once you find the routine that best helps you fall asleep, you should follow it consistently. Once our bodies are trained to follow our sleep habits, we will find ourselves falling asleep quicker. By obtaining better sleep habits, we will find our overall wellness improving.


Mobile phone radiation is genuine as are its impacts on your body. As helpful as a PDA can be, they posture a significant danger by presenting the body to radio-recurrence electromagnetic fields which thus can lessen the dietary estimation of nourishment and expansion lethality. While the best arrangement is shirking, you can likewise battle the symptoms of PDA radiation by realizing what's entitlement to eat. 


1. Kale 

A year ago's superfood is still a star this year and ought to dependably remain so. It is pressing in Vitamin C which is an awesome wellspring of cancer prevention agents, critical in securing the watery layer of your phones. Kale is likewise rich in caffeic corrosive, a part that can viably conflict with radiation and ensure the lymphocytes. 


2. Cod Liver Oil 

Specialists have archived that vitamin D3 secures the sensory system other than advancing calcium assimilation. Cod liver oil has heaps of D3 while conveying a sound proportion of omega-3 unsaturated fats to omega-6 unsaturated fats. The previous repairs greasy cell layers while the last advances aggravation in the body which is a major no-no. 


3. Turmeric 

This brilliant yellow zest is pressed with curcumin which an incredible cell reinforcement and hostile to growth property. Basically, turmeric acts as a DNA technician, repairing them so your body capacities better. It likewise advances the authoritative of iron to your platelets. The brilliant guideline while ingesting turmeric with your nourishment is to include a dash of dark pepper for expanded retention and adequacy! 


4. Almonds 

A little modest bunch of these a day can go far for your body. Almonds are pressing in vitamin E which ensures nerve layers and backs off the oxidizing of cells' fat films. Almonds are likewise rich in cancer prevention agents and they're incredible for offsetting an acidic body environment as they are one of only a handful couple of antacid nuts out there. 


5. Asparagus 

PDA radiation is known not the measures of glutathione in your body however worry not! These stinky sticks are pressing in glutathione AND selenium, both which are cell reinforcements equipped for repairing DNA, scattering pointless particles and expelling substantial metal from the body. 


6. Kelp 

For a combo pack of minerals, kelp (the green kind) is the go-to nourishment. They are additionally a brilliant wellspring of magnesium, a mineral that should be offset with calcium at a proportion of 1:2 for better calcium ingestion. Eat sparingly as you would prefer not to over-burden your body with excessively numerous minerals. 


7. Garlic 

We've heard such a great amount about utilizing garlic to discourage vampires however that is not whatever they can do! Garlic is loaded down with sulfur and this part advances detoxification in the body and in addition a transformation of vitamins and proteins. Garlic can likewise cut off mercury from fish and fish when cooked together. Cook it in some olive oil to upgrade retention. 


8. Grass-Fed Beef 

In case you're a red meat significant other, grass-encouraged cows ought to be your closest companion. Protein is fundamental for fixing mind harms from phone radiation yet to forestall a lot of iron being retained into your body, eat your meat with a decent serving of vegetables. On the other hand, decide on unfenced poultry. 


9. Artichokes 

While artichokes are rich in vitamin C and magnesium, it's made it to the rundown for conveying silymarin. This substance is known for expanding the levels of glutathione in your body and the more glutathione you have, the less poisonous your body will be. 


10. Entire grains 

Grungy and unfortified entire grains are a more beneficial wellspring of carbs, yet they are likewise high in vitamin B-complex which is essential in nerve repair. Cocoa rice and millet are all extraordinary wellsprings of vitamin B and folic corrosive.
