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What are the main differences between Rajya sabha & Lok sabha?

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What are the main differences between Rajya sabha & Lok sabha?
posted Jul 29, 2017 by Rani Das

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Rajya sabha has red carpet and lok sabha has green carpet

answer Jul 30, 2017 by Sùmáñth Píllála
+1 vote

Lok Sabha is the lower house of Indian parliament its members are directly elected by the eligible voters and there term is 5 years. All members are selected after every five year through a general election. Lok Sabha has 545 members out of which 543 are elected and 2 are nominated from the Anglo-Indian Community by the President.

Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the Indian parliament its members are elected by the elected members of State Legislative Assemblies in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. The term of Rajya Sabha members is 6 years and after every 2 years 1/3 of the members are retired and new 1/3 members are elected. Membership of Rajya Sabha is limited by the Constitution to a maximum of 250 members, and current laws have provision for 245 members.

answer Jul 30, 2017 by Salil Agrawal