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What is difference between famous hindu epic Ramayan and Ramchritra Manas?

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What is difference between famous hindu epic Ramayan and Ramchritra Manas?
posted Aug 22, 2017 by Mayank

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Ramayan and Ramcharit Manas both are hindu epic dedicated to the Lord Ram (Prince of Ayodhya). Where Ramayana is the original or we can say supposed to be the original written in Sanskrit where as Ramcharit Manas is a translated version of Ramayana from Sanskrit to Hindi. Ramayana was written by Saint Valmiki at the time of Lord Ram whereas Ramcharit Manas was written by Saint Tulsidas in 14-15th century.

answer Aug 22, 2017 by Salil Agrawal
Sir Sanskrit to Avadhi Verses, verses translated in Hindi.
Yes thats correct, but Awadhi is a dialect not a language...