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Who is the author of Ain-e-Akbari? [Closed]

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Who is the author of Ain-e-Akbari? [Closed]
posted Jun 26, 2018 by Priyanka Karak

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1 Answer

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Abul Fazl wrote the book Ain-i-Akbari or the "Constitution of Akbar". He was the Grand vizier of the Mughal emperor Akbar, and author of the Akbarnama, the official history of Akbar's reign. Akbarnama has three volumes, the third volume is known as the Ain-i-Akbari or the "Constitution of Akbar". This volume recorded the detailed document of the emperor Akbar's administration.

Abul Fazl wrote the book Ain-i-Akbari or the "Constitution of Akbar".

answer Jun 26, 2018 by Salil Agrawal
Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak was the author of Ain-i-akbari.