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Which English writer was popularly called 'Bard of Avon' ?

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Which English writer was popularly called 'Bard of Avon' ?
posted Apr 30, 2015 by Nimish

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1 Answer

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Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare is both his story and that of a great art rediscovered in the modern world.

The word "bard" means poet. Bards were traveling poets in medieval times, who made a living performing and telling stories.
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England in April of 1564 and he died at the age of 52 in 1616.
He is called The Bard, because a bard is a poet, and The Bard of Avon, because of his birthplace.

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answer Apr 22, 2016 by Fay Paul
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