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The National Conference on “Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails” was organized by which organisation?

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The National Conference on “Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails” was organized by which organisation?
posted Sep 16, 2019 by Meenal Mishra

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National Conference on ‘Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails: Vulnerability of Inmates and Jail Staff and their Protection’ was held in New Delhi.

  • The two-day conference was organized by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D).
  • The conference will focus on the following issues:
  • To consider vulnerabilities at individual and gang levels and to suggest safety measures for the same.
  • To understand various facets of radicalization as well as de-radicalization in prisons.
  • To analyze and formulate the security and protection standards for prison staff.
  • To provide an interdisciplinary platform for correctional personnel to exchange and share their experience on prison reforms.
answer Sep 20, 2019 by Vijay