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How many verbs are in the following sentence: "Roger told his dog not to jump on the furniture with muddy feet"?

+1 vote
How many verbs are in the following sentence: "Roger told his dog not to jump on the furniture with muddy feet"?
posted Jun 2, 2022 by Ritika

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1 Answer

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The verbs are the (finite) verb "told" and the infinitive "to jump". An infinitive can serve a number of functions - as a noun ("to sleep, to dream … is a consummation…"), as an adjective ("the person to ask is …") and as an adverb ("filming is a matter of hurrying up to wait" - and in some grammatical texts is not considered a verb at all; however, here it is functioning fully as a verb in its phrase, with a subject and a qualifying adverb.

answer Jun 3, 2022 by Rajni
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