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INNOPROM is the major industrial fair of which country ?

+2 votes
INNOPROM is the major industrial fair of which country ?
posted Jun 30, 2015 by Mishthy Mukherjee

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INNOPROM is a Russia’s main industrial trade fair. The 2015 INNOPROM is the 6th in series will will take place in Ekaterinburg city since 8 till 11 of July. This year is the first time when INNOPROM has a partner country. The People’s Republic of China has become the official partner of INNOPROM-2015. More than 2000 Chinese businessmen and public officials will visit Ekaterinburg during the Trade Fair to present their national exposition at 7.5 sq., to discuss actual international, trans-regional and business opportunities collaborate with Russian partners.

answer Jul 2, 2015 by Manikandan J