1932 Enigma, an electro-mechanical rotor cipher machine used for sending and receiving secret messages, was invented by German engineer Arthur Scherbius after WW I and used commercially from the early 1920s. It was adopted by military and government services of several countries. The Polish Cipher Bureau broke the German code in December 1932. Codes became more complex and later code breaking used work headed by Alan Turing at Bletchley Park in the UK.
Who worked at Betchley Park in World War II as one of the Enigma codebreakers and became known as "the father of modern computer science"?
Which city has been by turns, since 1320, Lithuanian, Polish-Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Swedish, Russian, German, Polish, part of the USSR, and Belarussian?
When did the first planes fly in a military offensive for Britain, for an organised body which later became the Royal Air Force?