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Whose final words, on 8 April 1973, were reported to be “Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't drink.......

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Whose final words, on 8 April 1973, were reported to be “Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't drink any more”?

posted Feb 8 by Pardeep Kohli
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The ans is -
Pablo Picasso

answer Feb 12 by Varuna Magar

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I like this girl at my church and I think we are just friends(15/16 years old), once she came to my house and we went to the fireworks (guy fox day or something...), we were just friends, and we went to the rides and stuff... but then this weekend on Sunday at church she asked me if I wantell to go to McDonald so we went and chilled and I asked her if she wants to watch a movie with me so she said yes. Than after someday we texted talking about going to town, she texted me saying "isn't it a bit weird that cinema is a place for like couples " and she said "don't think that it's a date "

We went to town and ate lunch and went to cafe, after a while we were walking to cinema we talked about something thathat made her say "do u like me ?" So I changed the subject but after the cinema ,I said stuff like "I wanna stay more with you don't wanna go home blah blah " then she said "do u actually like me ?" I said "is it bad if I do ?" "Is it a sin?" Then she said " the probability that I'll like you is very low "(not in a serious way). (I'm not good with like directions and she knew ). So I told her to just take me near the certain place and she was like "are u sure u don't know the directions? " So I said "it was a lie cuz u wanted to stay more with u, she got a bit angry and then we said good bye then like after 3 mins , she texted me saying " text me if u get home cuz I'm a bit worried that u might get lost , if u get lost , call me" -I don't understand why she texted me that , she is just being friendly right ? Ohow and during the day , she was like" oh ~ I'm not gonna go to town with you again , cuz u don't know the directions"

On Sunday, the next day , I was kinda upset with her and she said "r u sad because I said that im not gonna go to town with you ?" So I said "probably idk " she said " give me an accurate reason why u wanna go to town with me" why did she ask me to give her an accurate reason , I swear she probably know that I like her right ?

Give me some tips on what to do from now on ..
