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What is the publication known as the Wellcome Apocalypse?

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What is the publication known as the Wellcome Apocalypse?
posted Sep 30, 2024 by Kapil Kapoor

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A major German medical textbook of 1420
The Wellcome Apocalypse is a richly illustrated manuscript. As a whole it contains nearly 300 drawings and more than 100 different Latin and German texts, on a variety of medical, scientific, theological and moral topics. It contains sections on the Antichrist and the End of Days, texts on and related to the ‘Ars moriendi' (the ‘Art of dying'), medical and prognostic works, and moral and allegorical material, and (unusually for European medical texts) extremely detailed diagrams and texts on a woman's body, pregnancy and diseases.

answer Oct 1, 2024 by Balwinder
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