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In Raumschach 3-D chess which piece moves through the six faces of a cube in any rank, file, or column?

+1 vote
In Raumschach 3-D chess which piece moves through the six faces of a cube in any rank, file, or column?
posted Jan 28 by Rajni

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1 Answer

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3-D chess is played on any number of boards between which the pieces move. One well-known variant was created by Baltic German chess master and theoretician, Lionel Kieseritzky, in 1851; the Raumschach version was created by German doctor, inventor and occultist, Ferdinand Maack, and first described by him in 1907. The version of 3-D chess board popular from Star Trek was a prop created for the show, with no established rules until a dedicated fan created some.

answer Jan 30 by Balwinder