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What is the only country not to identify itself on its postage stamps?

+2 votes
What is the only country not to identify itself on its postage stamps?
posted Aug 11, 2016 by Varuna Magar

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1 Answer

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Thanks for the query.

The only country which does not required to name itself on its stamps is United Kingdom.

Source -

answer Aug 11, 2016 by Arghyadeep Dutt Shrivastava
Addition to Arghyadeep Answer -

All postage stamps intended to be used on international mail so is to have the name of the country in Latin letters for the identification. But In 1874 the Universal Postal Union exempted Great Britain from its rule which stated that a country's name had to appear on their postage stamps, so a profile of the reigning monarch was all that was required for identification of Britain's stamps. So UK remains the only country not required to name itself on its stamps.