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Broadcasting from Germany to England in English in 1940, by what name was William Joyce better known?

+3 votes
Broadcasting from Germany to England in English in 1940, by what name was William Joyce better known?
posted Aug 11, 2016 by Sandeep Otari

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Thanks for the query.

William Brooke Joyce (24th April, 1906 - 3rd January, 1946), nicknamed and better known as Lord Haw-Haw was an American Born Irish British politician and Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the UK during WW II. He was captured by British forces in 1945 and was convicted of one count of high treason and sentenced to death. He was the last person to be executed for treason in UK.

Sources: and

answer Aug 11, 2016 by Indranil Datta