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Who is the Oldest man ever lived in the Earth?

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Who is the Oldest man ever lived in the Earth?
posted Sep 7, 2016 by Reshmi S

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1 Answer

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Thanks for the query.

Jeanne Louise Calment is a french who holds the record for longest human lifespan of 122 years and 164 days. This fact has been confirmed by the Guinness book of World records. Jeanne outlived both her daughter and grandson and lived in France her entire life.

Yasutaro Koide

Yasutaro Koide

Edit: Thanks to Reshmi Sarkar for pointing out that I have written about the oldest person, Jeanne Louise Calment, who is in fact female. As per Guinness Book of world records - Yasutaro Koide (Japan) has been officially recognized as the Oldest person living (male) at the age of 112 years and 161 days on 20th August, 2015.

answer Sep 12, 2016 by Arghyadeep Dutt Shrivastava
But I was talking about man !
Thanks. Edited the answer.
Can I edit your answer.
Just want to put the old man's pic here from your source
Sure. Go ahead.