In one of the popular batman series movie "Batman Forever", there was a riddle that goes like "Tear me off and then scratch my head and I was red then and now I am black. What am I?
You are a match.
Stronger than steel, yet lighter than cotton Found in a corner, forever forgotten I bother so many, but marvel a few You can't seem to make me I'm a mystery to you.
I am what goes up but never comes down. I am needed but hated. I am useful in more than one way. I somewhat hold the future. What am I?
I am a bean; I am very lean. I am not fat; I am sure of that. Like all beans, I am small and round; but unlike others, I dont grow in the ground. What kind of bean am I?
Guess me: Never ahead, ever behind, Yet flying swiftly past; For a child I last forever, For adults I'm gone too fast. What am I ?