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You are participating in a race and you overtake the second person. What position are you in?

+2 votes
You are participating in a race and you overtake the second person. What position are you in?
posted Nov 21, 2015 by anonymous

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6 Answers

+4 votes

Second position

answer Nov 21, 2015 by Sreejith Pottathil
+4 votes

you will still cover up the second position hence u will remain second.

answer Nov 23, 2015 by Joseph Nyirenda
+3 votes

2nd Position......

answer Nov 22, 2015 by Varghese Anthony
+3 votes

Since you are overtaking the second person, you will be in the second position.

answer Nov 22, 2015 by Naveen Chopra
+3 votes

2nd. 'cause i've overtook 2nd not 1st. so, answer is 2nd position. I THINK SO

answer Nov 22, 2015 by anonymous
+3 votes

2nd Position.

I have overtaked second positioned racer, so he stand third and me on second

answer Nov 23, 2015 by Kunal Shah

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