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Guess me who am I, I am the first on earth, the second in heaven...

+4 votes

Guess me who am I,
I am the first on earth, the second in heaven, I appear two times in a week,
you can only see me once in a year, because I am in the middle of the sea.

posted Jun 7, 2014 by anonymous

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12 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Answer is E

As In Spelling of Earth E comes first, in Heaven it come s second, in Week it comes twice, in a year it come once and finally in spelling of sea E stands in middle of the spelling.

answer Jun 9, 2014 by Kunal Shah
+1 vote

the answer is 'e'.

answer Aug 19, 2014 by Kamran Siddique
+1 vote

The Letter E

answer Sep 23, 2014 by anonymous
+1 vote

Is it e I'm not sure

answer Jul 1, 2015 by anonymous
+1 vote

the letter "e". E is 1st on the word " Earth", 2nd in the word "heaven", twice in the word " week" and in the middle of the word "sea".

answer Nov 6, 2015 by anonymous
+1 vote

First letter of earth "e"
Second letter of heaven "e"
occurs twice in w"ee"k
Middle of the s"e"a

answer Feb 8, 2016 by Mohammed Aslam
+1 vote

alphabet 'E'

answer Feb 10, 2016 by Aavishkar Kumar
+1 vote

e is the answer

answer Aug 10, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana
0 votes

I am the first on Earth,E the second in hEaven,E I appear two times in a wEEk, E
you can only see me once in a yEarE, because I am in the middle of the sEa.E

answer Dec 20, 2015 by anonymous
0 votes

Letter "E"

answer Mar 9, 2016 by Kritika Agarwal

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