It is a 9 letter word- 123456789, If u lose it you die, If you have 234, you can 1234, 56 is one type of disease, 89 indicates exact location & time, 2 & 7 are same letter, 3 & 8 are same letter, 5 & 9 are same letter.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H E A R T B E A T
"_ O _ D _ A _ I _ S " Lovers love it, Friends need it, Life start with it and Life ends with it.
I am a 10 letter word 3,4,1 is part of pace 8,9,2,5 is a country 7,2,9 is a name of God 6,8 is a Musical Note 1,10,2 is a fruit
My whole means same from both sides. What am I ?
I am 9 letter word. First two letter denotes preposition. 7,5,7,8,9 means to stand. 9,1,5,7 is a part of vehicle. It is also spelled incorrectly in the Dictionary What is that word ?
I’m a 9 letter word, study of the earth’s surface 9,3,4,6 Indian invented exercise 1,2,6,5 toothed wheel 8,9,7,2,5 more active than normal Who am I?
I’m a 9 letter word. You’ve ten? I’ve none. Gimme five. 5,6,7,2,6 Acts like helping employees 4,7,8,9 Fog 3,5,4 Wife of father Who/what am I?