IF Monday = 617 Tuesday = 729 Wednesday = 9312 Thursday = 8412 Friday = 6511 Saturday = 8614 THEN Sunday = ????
What will be the value of Sunday ?
6713. No of alfabets.No of day.Total first and second digits.
Sunday = 6713
Monday= 617, 6 for letters (M,o,n,d,a,y), 1 for first day of week ( 2 Tuesday etc), 7 = 6+1
Sunday= 6713, 6 for letters (S,u,n,d,a,y), 7 for seventh day of week , 13 = 6+7
Can be 9716 because the second digit is one higher than the second digit of Saturday. Starting is with 9 to be symmetrical with the starting point difference in consecutive starting point.
The answer is 6713 First digit gives us the number of letters in the right side of the equation Second digit gives the day sequence Last digit gives the sum of the 1st and 2nd
I am large on Saturday and Sunday. I get small from Tuesday to Thursday. You can't find me on Monday and Friday.
Who am I ?