This word has 6 letters,
Letters 2, 4 & 6 are the same.
If you jump 7 letters from the 1st letter, you get the 3rd letter,
And if you jump 7 letters again from the 3rd you get the 5th letter.
Guess the word.
Answer is BANANA.
What 6 letter word has the same pair of letters in spots 1 and 5, a different pair in spots 2 and 6 and contains a 'u' in between?
I am a 7 letter word. I like mornings. If you remove my 1st letter you can drink me. If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters, you may not like me. If you remove my last letter, you will see me on television. Answer is really very interesting Let us see who solves this....
I am a 10 letter word 3,4,1 is part of pace 8,9,2,5 is a country 7,2,9 is a name of God 6,8 is a Musical Note 1,10,2 is a fruit
My whole means same from both sides. What am I ?
I am 7 Letter word Most Humans want me. But they hate the first 4 letters of my name. If you get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letter you are sick. The 5th, 6th and 7th letter are something with charge. Who am I ?
I am an 8 letter word First 4 is the question 2,3,4 protects our head 6,7, 8 is a software 7,8 are same letters.
What am I?