Watermelon is the answer. We eat all red parts(inside) and stops while we reach green parts(outer layer).
zebra crossing when the traffic signal turns red, we cross the road but when it turns into green, we stop.
If green means go, yellow means slow down or caution, and red means stop. Why can't traffic lights go when they turn to green?
I can come in many colors Like red, yellow, orange, blue or green When you put my lead on paper Your drawings or writing can be seen What am I?
I can be red or green or yellow. I'll help you stay a healthy fellow. Inside, I am white; I do not emit light. But if you look just right, I hold a star. What am I?
I wear a green jacket on the outside, white jacket as a second layer, and red jacket inside. I am pregnant with a lot of babies. What am I?