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Find the Missing number in the figure?

+1 vote
posted Jul 23, 2014 by Nikita Sehgal

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1 Answer

+2 votes
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Answer : 14
max number between two opposite number .wll be equal to ((min_number * 3 )-1) .
For Example:-
32 = (11*3) - 1 =33 - 1 = 32.
8= (3*3) - 1 =9 - 1 =8.
here there are two possibility for answer :
( 5 * 3 ) - 1 = 14 or ( 2 * 3 ) - 1 = 5 .
but , in circle , there is max - min pattern for numbers next to each other. For example : (8 - 9) , (26 - 3).
in this manner Answer is 14.

answer Aug 6, 2014 by anonymous
half circle 8+9+5+32 =  54
 so for next half 26+11+3+ ?  =54
                          40+? = 54
                                ? =54- 40
                               ? =14