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Correct the spelling for the following jumbled words. [CLOSED]

0 votes
 1. rtwapne (a city) 
 2. airblz (a country)
 3. amnos (profession)
 4. Leukkcn (body part) 
 5. aiglcr (vegetable)
 6. ntprhae (animal)
 7. Labbrrkcye (fruit)
 8. rnsglwite (sports)
 9. iahkasr (celebrity)
10. iybclec (vehicle)
posted Jul 30, 2014 by Parampreet Kaur

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2 Answers

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5. Garlic
6. Panther
7. Blackberry
10. Bicycle

answer Aug 23, 2014 by anonymous
0 votes
  1. Antwerp
  2. Brazil
  3. Mason
  4. Knuckle
  5. garlic
  6. Panther
  7. Blackberry
  8. Wrestling
  9. Sarikha
  10. Bicycle
answer Aug 23, 2014 by Salil Agrawal