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Question : How many birds are on top of the tree ??? How many birds are under the tree ????

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There are birds on top of a tree
and some are under the tree.

The birds on top of the tree require one bird from the ones down to be twice more than the ones under the tree in number.

And the ones under the tree require one bird from the ones on top of the tree to be equal in number with the ones on top.

Question :
How many birds are on top of the tree ???

How many birds are under the tree ????

posted Sep 19, 2017 by Dilbagh

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2 Answers

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There are 7 birds on top of the tree.
and 5 birds under the tree

answer Sep 20, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana
0 votes

7 birds on the top of the tree.
5 birds on the top of the tree.

answer Sep 20, 2017 by Halil Akansel
5 birds are under the tree not on top of the tree

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