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If you are smart and very good at math. Answer these 2 math riddles.

+2 votes

If you are smart and very good at math. Answer these 2 math riddles.

What is
1. 0x29840847894657867478465875674896478496478567968.
2. 1x89498784893246798648732742974823.

posted Oct 4, 2017 by Vishal

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3 Answers (Check Answer ▼)

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The answer to each question is a letter of the alphabet.

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If you're good at solving puzzles, these will be easy. Every answer is a two-word phrase in which the first word begins with "BE" and the second with "ST".

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BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

1.)Nickname for Utah.
BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

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BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _ _

3.)Cause of red bump on the skin.
BE_ ST_ _ _

4.)What separates Alaska from Russia.
BE _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _ _

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BE_ ST_ _ _ _ _

6.)Once a giant among the United States' metal manufacturers.
BE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

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+1 vote

Try these calculations: 1 x 9 + 2 = , 12 x 9 + 3 = , 123 x 9 + 4 =, ... continue the pattern and see if you can predict the answers before calculating.
