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Can you find out the "friendship like" relation between the two even numbers 284 and 220?

+1 vote

Can you find out the "friendship like" relation between the two even numbers 284 and 220? It is an exceptional type of relation and enjoyable too.

posted Dec 4, 2017 by Vilas Joshi

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1 Answer

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These 2 numbers are an example of Amicable Pair ie., the sum of all possible divisors of a number in the pair, except the number itself is equal to the other number in the pair and vice versa.
In other words:
(220) = sum of {1,2,4,5,10,11,20,22,44,55,110} = (284)
(284) = sum{1,2,4,71,142} = (220).

answer Dec 4, 2017 by Tejas Naik
Congratulations, Tejas! I believe you got this solution without taking the help of Google or any other source. You may be knowing that our greatest mathematician Late Srinivasa Ramanujan discovered this beauty.

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