Solve the below equation by replacing each letter by different digit.
4 x (O N E) = T E N
Note: No letter can be replaced by number zero.
4 x 182 = 728 O - 1 N - 8 E - 2 T - 7.
My answer is as follows: O = 1, N = 8, E = 2 & T = 7 Therefore, 4 x 182 = 728.
Can you solve the below maths equation problem by replacing the question mark with the correct number?
Note: It has more than one solution.
Can you solve the below equation in the picture by replacing "?" with the correct number?
Can you solve below alphametic riddle by replacing letters by number to make below equation true?
Can you solve the popular algebraic equation by replacing alphabets with a digit and equation must be true as well? SEND + MORE ====== MONEY
Solve below cryptarithms puzzle by replacing letter by the appropriate number.