I am 7 letters long:1234567 My 123 is a vehicle. My 2345 was a pop group from the late 70s-80s. My 456 is a piece of luggage. My 567 changes every year. What Am I?
Cabbage cab- ABBA- bag- age
I am 5 letters long. My first two tell you who I am My first 3 could be a medicine My last three reversed could be a young boy. My 4th, 3rd and 2nd in that order could be a fruit drink. If you have me you may hang me round your neck WHAT AM I ?
I am a word of 12 letters. My 12, 4, 7, 2, 5 is an Eastern beast of burden. My 1, 8, 10, 9 is a street made famous by Sinclair Lewis. My 11, 3, 6 is past. My whole is a person suffering from delusions of greatness. So, who am I?
I am 7 Letter word Most Humans want me. But they hate the first 4 letters of my name. If you get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letter you are sick. The 5th, 6th and 7th letter are something with charge. Who am I ?
I am a type of vehicle that has two wheels and is powered by humans. What am I? Hint 1: You can ride me for exercise. Hint 2: I am environment-friendly.
I am a 9 word letter, 123 is a city name, 567 is a star name, 6789 is a god name, What is the word?