What number is represented by the following coded message?
Marcus Can't Make Lucetius Violate Impressive Instructions.
M arcus C an't M ake L ucetius V iolate I mpressive I nstructions MCMLVII ===> Roman Numerals = 1957.
The secretary of a rich man sent a coded message to his boss. Can you make sense of the following facts to make an accurate statement? 11 is a race horse 12 is 12 1111 race 12112
What phrase is represented by the following?
Yours: DEF(snip)EAT DEF(snip)EAT
What expression is represented by the following?
CUPboard ==> CUoard UPbeat ==> Ueat SOAPbox ==> SOAox
teg equine
a) 1/2 = 05 b) six percent = 006 c) four and a half = 45 d) pi = approximately 314