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A drove of sheep and chickens have a total of 99 heads and feet. There are twice as..........How many of each are there?

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A drove of sheep and chickens have a total of 99 heads and feet.
There are twice as many chickens as sheep.
How many of each are there?

posted Nov 29, 2019 by Prithvi

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1 Answer

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11 sheep & 22 chickens

Sheep- head= x, feet= 4x
Chicken- head= y, feet= 2y
x+y+4x+2y=99 --> 5x+3y=99 --> 5x+3*2x=99 --> 11x=99 --> x=11
Chiken -22

answer Nov 29, 2019 by Hanifa Mammadov
There are 27 animals. 9 sheep (4 legs & 1 head =5 ) (9×5=45) or ( 36 legs and 9 heads = 45.
18 chickens ( 2 legs 1 head =3 ) (3×18=54) or
36 legs and 18 heads = 54.
So 45 sheep heads and feet, plus 54 chicken heads and feet = 99 heads and feet.
9 sheep and 18 chickens
Twice as many chicken .
Its 5 for sheep 1 head 4 legs, so if you have 11 sheep that's 55 heads and legs.
Its 3 for chickens 1 head an 2 legs, so if you have 22 chickens that's 66 heads and feet and that come to 66 + 55 = 121 heads and feet. You only need 99 heads and feet

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