A picture is attached with this question. You have to fill the grid in a manner that every row and column contains the digits 1 to 6. Also, make sure that the squares that are connected with each other must contains the same digit.
Can you do it?
3-1-5-2-6-4 4-6-3-5-1-2 5-4-6-1-2-3 1-5-2-4-3-6 2-3-1-6-4-5 6-2-4-3-5-1
In the figure that has been attached with this question, each digit represents a digit. The similar letters carry the same integer value.
Can you expose the original digits?
? + ? + ? + ? + ? = 30
You have to fill numbers in place of question marks. The numbers that you can use are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. You can repeat the numbers if you like.
There is a 5×5 grid in front of you. You have to fill 25 squares with only 0 and 1. But, every neighboring square's number's product has to be 0. How many possible grids there are?
See the following image and fill the question mark (?)
Fill the question mark in the following grid?
6 8 7 3 64 4 24 48 ?