In the figure that has been attached with this question, each digit represents a digit. The similar letters carry the same integer value.
Can you expose the original digits?
It is 138 * 138 19044
138X 138 = 19044
There is a four-digit number ABCD, where A, B, C, D each represents a different digit from 1 to 9.
If ABCD is divisible by 13, BCDA is divisible by 11, CDAB is divisible by 9, and DABC is divisible by 7, what is the original number ABCD?
A picture is attached with this question. You have to fill the grid in a manner that every row and column contains the digits 1 to 6. Also, make sure that the squares that are connected with each other must contains the same digit.
Can you do it?
The figure that has been attached might seem a bit awkward but a movie name is hidden within it. Which movie does it represent?
A9543B represents a six-digit number in which A and B are digits different from each other. The number is divisible by 11 and also by 8. What digit does A represent?
A 3-letter-word has been taken out of each of the following words. Can you figure it out?
ST_ _ _ _ _ _NT AD_ _ _ P_ _ _ANT