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Solve This (◻ + ◻ + ◻=30) [CLOSED]

–14 votes

Solve this..
◻ + ◻ + ◻=30

Fill the boxes using
(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

U can also repeat the numbers.

closed with the note: Enough solutions
posted Mar 4, 2015 by anonymous

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Use the commas given in the question to your advantage: In many countries the comma (,) is used instead of the full stop (.) to represent a decimal point. For example "3.5" (three and a half) can be written as "3,5". This allows for the solution 11,3 + 15,7 + 3 = 30.
11+13+6 ( i rotated it become 6 from 9)=30

i did not mentioned we can't rotate it...

24 Answers

+3 votes

5.3 + 9.7 + 15 =30 (nowhere it is mentioned that you can't use decimal).

answer Mar 18, 2015 by anonymous
9 + 11 + 13 = 30
9 + 9 + 15 = 30
(1&3) = 13 + Upside down 9 + 11 = 30
(13-3)+(11-1)+(15-5) = 30
Many solution possible...
(11-1)+(13-3)+(15-5)=30 I think this is the correct method
the correct answer is factorial of 3 that is 6+15+9=30
+2 votes


answer May 20, 2015 by anonymous
Only 15,1 and 3 are used
What is the correct answer to this puzzle
+1 vote

15 + 13 + (11-9)/(7-5)*(3-1) = 30

answer Mar 4, 2015 by Bhavish D A
but i can do 15 + 13 + (3-1) = 30.. also.. right?
Great......... ;)
(, ) mustnot be used
My solution is simple and uses only + and -
There are a lot of solutions and i explain
this question is very tuff and ans. is (15)+(15)+(15-15)= 30

(3+3)+(7+3)+(7+7),  ..........etc
there many ways to solve this question simply
15-9-7-1=-2.    13+5=18.  11+3=14.     -2+18+14=30.  The new answer
The question mention only to fill the mentioned any number and final value is 30 but u done subtract, if do this way means 15 + 11+ (5-1) = 30, hence i feel in this method is not good
But i can do 11+7+9+3= 30 ..also..right ?
+1 vote

() looks like zero?

answer Apr 10, 2015 by anonymous
+1 vote

Here 3!=3*2*1=6

answer Apr 21, 2015 by anonymous
Use the commas given in the question to your advantage: In many countries the comma (,) is used instead of the full stop (.) to represent a decimal point. For example "3.5" (three and a half) can be written as "3,5". This allows for the solution 11,3 + 15,7 + 3 = 30.
+1 vote

Solutions to Fill the boxes.
I use all numbers one time.
1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15 = 64
64-30 = 34. 34/2 = 17
a+b+c=17 . a = 3, b = 5, c = 9 The boxes are A, B and C.
One solution is A [15+1 -3] +B [13+7 -5] +C [11 - 9] = 30
There are a lot of solutions!
Another solution is : a=1, b= 3, c = 13 A [5+7 - 1] + B [9 - 3] +C [15+11 - 13] = 30

answer Jun 4, 2015 by Sture Sjöstedt
0 votes

Now Explain
Suppose 30 as (30 hours), then take
1 = (1 day=24 hours) + 3= (3 hours) and + 3 = (3 hours) = 30 hours

answer May 29, 2015 by anonymous
0 votes


answer May 31, 2015 by anonymous
0 votes


answer Jun 7, 2015 by Navitha Reddy
0 votes

`enter code here 11+13+(7-1)=30,

answer Jun 7, 2015 by Navitha Reddy