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If a 32 meter broken bamboo is broken such that the tip meets the ground at a point 16 meters far from the base...

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Bamboo Height

If a bamboo 32 meters high is broken by wind so that the tip meets the ground at a point 16 meters far from the base, at what height above the ground was it broken?

posted Jun 7, 2015 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+2 votes

Using Pythagoras gives us bc^2 + 16^2 = ac^2.
bc + ac = 32, therefore bc^2 + 16^2 = (32-bc)^2 = 1024 - 64*bc + bc^2
=> 768 = 64* bc => bc = 12

answer Jun 8, 2015 by Jcm
+1 vote

Ans is 12
Let height above ground be X
So, X^2+16^2 =(32-X)^2
By solving we get X=12

answer Jun 8, 2015 by anonymous

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