Singles table tournament is held between 64 players. If a player is eliminated as soon as the player loses a match.
How many matches are required to declare the winner?
63 Matches
As its singles tournament, to eliminate each player so as 1 can win final title. So we have to eliminate 63 players so 63 matches to be played
63 matches...
A tennis tournament is announced, in which the winner of each games moves forwards to the next round, while the loser drops out of the competition. One hundred players enter the tournament, How many games must be played to produce one final winner?
How many extra orange cubes are required to enclose the blue cube completely?
There are two jugs each of 4 and 3 liters respectively, without any measuring marks. How many minimum steps are required to have 2 liters of water into the 4 litre jug (the jugs can be filled any number of times with water, and they can be emptied any number of times). Note: Here we need 2 litre water in 4 litre jug (not in any of the two jugs).
If you are only allowed to press the 1 and 0 keys on a calculator with any of the add, take, times, divide and equals keys, what is the fewest number of presses needed to make the number 9 on the calculator?