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RESOURCES_LIMITATION failure code sent by SAE-GW on Rx?

+1 vote

I would like to understand that under what circumstances the “ RESOURCES_LIMITATION” failure code sent by SAE-GW on Rx?

posted Sep 16, 2015 by Tribhuwan

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2 Answers

+1 vote

As per my understanding Resource_Limitation failure code is used for PCC rules on Gx interface.

Could you please provide any reference for this failure code on Rx.

Even if it is coming it could be because of the failure due to admission control because of the congestion.

Peeyush Sharma

answer Sep 17, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
Thanks for reply !!

Yes you are correct Resource_Limitation comes under Rule-Failure-Code AVP.
According to 3GPP TS 29.212 RESOURCES_LIMITATION  failure is comes under Rule-Failure-Code AVP (All access types) The Rule-Failure-Code AVP (AVP code 1031) is of type Enumerated. It is sent by the PCEF to the PCRF within a Charging-Rule-Report AVP to identify the reason a PCC Rule is being reported.

The following values are defined:

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed (for those provisioned from PCRF) or activated (for those pre-provisioned in PCEF) or enforced (for those already successfully installed) due to a limitation of resources at the PCEF.

AVP Format:
Charging-Rule-Report ::= < AVP Header: 1018 >
[Rule-Failure-Code] ------------------------------- RESOURCES_LIMITATION (5)

This value is used to indicate that the pre-provisioned PCC rule could not be successfully activated because the Charging-Rule-Name or Charging-Rule-Base-Name is unknown to the PCEF.

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed or enforced because the Rating-Group specified within the Charging-Rule-Definition AVP by the PCRF is unknown or, invalid.

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed or enforced because the Service-Identifier specified within the Charging-Rule-Definition AVP by the PCRF is invalid, unknown, or not applicable to the service being charged.

Release 7 37 3GPP TS 29.212 V7.8.0 (2009-03)
This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed (for those provisioned from the PCRF) or activated (for those pre-provisioned in PCEF) or enforced (for those already successfully installed) due to GW/PCEF malfunction.

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed (for those provisioned from PCRF) or activated (for those pre-provisioned in PCEF) or enforced (for those already successfully installed) due to a limitation of resources at the PCEF.

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed (for those provisioned from PCRF) or activated  (for those pre-provisioned in PCEF) or enforced (for those already successfully installed) due to the fact that the maximum number of bearers has been reached for the IP-CAN session.

This value is used only in the case the PCRF is performing bearer binding to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed or enforced at the PCEF because the Bearer-Id specified within the Charging-RuleInstall AVP by the PCRF is unknown or invalid.

This value is used only in the case the PCRF is performing bearer binding to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully  installed or enforced at the PCEF because the Bearer-Id is not specified within the ChargingRule-Install AVP by the PCRF.

This value is used to indicate that the PCC rule could not be successfully installed or enforced because the FlowDescription AVP is not specified within the Charging-Rule-Definition AVP by the PCRF during the first install request of the PCC rule

If you have any additional information  please let me know and will update you the traces ASAP
+1 vote

Yes that is what I wanted to say. It is specific to Gx interface and in your question you have mentioned Rx interface

answer Sep 17, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
Yes you are correct Resource_Limitation comes under Rule-Failure-Code AVP on Gx interface i am just waiting for the actual traces will update you accordingly
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