The task: from within a particular folder (~/Music) and subfolders, find the newest file.
Attempted solution: in the file manager from Unity, enter "*" as the search term; oh, that won't work. Ok, click on "+" after the search, hm, that only has one option, file type, not even a range of date/times. Ok, is there another way to search? Enter "search" in the launcher, no luck.
Usually I'll open a terminal at that point and solve it from the shell. But I really need a better solution for the guy I'm helping. So what is a real(tm) way to search on Ubuntu? And it should work for a particular folder.
Would you recommend to install KDE instead? (This guy is not really a power user, but not a newbie either. And I'm starting to feel like I should show him KDE, as I've run into many bugs and limitations on Unity, and over the last 1.5 years things haven't really changed as far as I can see.)