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How can you recover the session in sequential batches in Informatica?

+2 votes
How can you recover the session in sequential batches in Informatica?
posted Sep 28, 2015 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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If you configure a session in a sequential batch to stop on failure, you can run recovery starting with the failed session. The Informatica Server completes the session and then runs the rest of the batch. Use the Perform Recovery session property
To recover sessions in sequential batches configured to stop on failure:

  1. In the Server Manager, open the session property sheet.

  2. On the Log Files tab, select Perform Recovery, and click OK.

  3. Run the session.

  4. After the batch completes, open the session property sheet.

  5. Clear Perform Recovery, and click OK.

If you do not clear Perform Recovery, the next time you run the session, the Informatica Server attempts to recover the previous session.
If you do not configure a session in a sequential batch to stop on failure, and the remaining sessions in the batch complete, recover the failed session as a standalone session.

answer Sep 29, 2015 by Manikandan J
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